Art Jail, Day Three.
I got so involved in Art Jail, Day Four that I'm just now getting a chance to post about yesterday. I think that's a good sign. :)...

Art Jail, Day Two.
Yesterday was a chance to escape for a day, to a place I'd barely explored. I arrived in the Clinton-Bailey neighborhood- where I HAVE...

Art Jail.
I am a freelance artist, historian and event planner, focusing on emotional connection to place. And I have a problem. Most of my art...

A Community is Made, Not Born.
Buffalo is a vortex of coincidence. A number of random meetings of fellow, or former, Buffalonians all weekend at the Women's March on...

Be You. Everything Else is Lame.
Somehow, I got convinced that I should hide who I truly am. What a mistake. A long, hot summer was a great opportunity for me to think,...